Friday, June 29, 2007

Vashist & Whiskey With Indian Tourists

While in Manali I took a day trip to Vashist. Vashist is a small, pretty village, known for its hot springs, across the valley from Manali. Once in Vashist, I hiked to the nearby waterfall.

Photos of the walk to Vashist

The waterfall, which had an upper and lower part, was beautiful. At the upper part I was approached by a holy man who talked to me for awhile before aggressively trying to sell me marijuana. At this point I headed to the lower part where I came upon half a dozen Indian men swimming in their underwear. After taking some pictures (of the waterfall, not the men) I headed back to the village.

Photos of the waterfall

On the way back to the village I chatted with the Indian guys, who were college-aged tourists from a suburb of Delhi. When they offered me a ride to Manali I obliged.

Upon arriving in Manali I mentioned I was heading back to old Manali for dinner and a beer, and they said I was welcome to join them for food and drink. The rest of the night went a little different then expected. Instead of eating and getting a beer at a restaurant we ended up sitting in a circle on their bed, talking about women, eating spicy chicken and drinking cheap Indian whiskey mixed with water.

The night ended with the guys walking me back to Old Manali where I hospitably invited them in to my guest house room where we shared a few beers and looked at pictures of my friends and family. Friends and family should be pleased (or scared) to know that a few of the guys took photos of my photos on their camera phones and thus many of you will forever be saved on some random Indian guys' phones.

Photos of the debauchery


Anonymous said...

I loved these pictures, especially because of the lizard one. It reminded me that buried inside this traveling debauchee is Doobus Day.

Unknown said...


i LOVE your blog and it looks like your trip is pretty freakin awesome!

My mom called me the other day and asked if you were alive. I laughed and wasn't sure why you wouldn't be, but apparently there has been some sort of heat wave and the elderly were dying. So both she and I are glad that you aren't old and hope you are staying cool. Have funnnnnn!!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!